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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interview with Photographer Mikel M. Louder

Mikel M. Louder is a freelance photographer based in the Tri-Cities area of Southeast Washington state. The Tri-Cities include Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland. However, he travels to a wide variety of different areas depending on the clients' needs.

Above: tearsheet from Swimwear Illustrated Magazine

He shoots just about everything from fashion, to real estate, to glamour, to commercial. Mikel has been published in a variety of magazines, brochures, and featured on notable websites. He is a talented photographer and I am always looking forward to seeing his new work.

It was a pleasure interviewing him for this AH Life & Style feature, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.

AVIVA: When did you first realize you wanted to be a photographer?
MIKEL M. LOUDER: I really didn't think I would as a profession. It honestly became a necessity after a company layoff claimed my "full time" job. I decided to give the industry a shot.

AVIVA: What other career aspirations did you have when you were younger?
MML:  (laughs) like most little kids I planned on being a fireman, policeman...etc. Seriously, I thought I'd follow in my dad's foot steps as a custom harvester. If you don't know what that is, visit the tribute page on my photography website: It summarizes my dad's career.

AVIVA: Do you prefer to shoot in studio or on location?
MML: Depends on what the client needs. I started out as a travel photographer (landscape, nature, scenic). I'm probably more comfortable shooting outdoors, but both have advantages and disadvantages.

Above: Teatsheet from  Sophisticate's Hairstyle Guide. 

AVIVA: What do you prefer/like about each of these situations?

MML: In studio you have better control and you're not affected by weather. On location, you've got a more natural light and the ability to use different backdrops without making changes like in a studio.

AVIVA: What shoot are you most proud of?
MML: WOW, tough choice! They are all great for different reasons. I guess, I'd have to say my first magazine published work in Swimwear Illustrated.

AVIVA: Why? (with respect to the previous question)
MML:  Just because of it being that first one.

AVIVA: Do you have any photographers/ artists that you admire? If yes, who?
MML: Ansel Adams, because I started in that style of photography, and of course my friend James (Jim) A. Sugar, my mentor, friend and adviser in the beginning. Thank you Jim for steering me in the right direction. I will always be grateful.

Above: Photo-MML, Hair-Liquidity, Makeup-Painted Chanteuse , Model-Krissy T.

AVIVA: In the best case scenario, where would you like to be 3 years from now as a photographer?

MML: Being in a more consistent market doing a lot more published work. (laughs) But wouldn't we all!

AVIVA: What is your favorite form of photography?
MML: I like them all for different reasons and at different times. I think that's what makes me unique, I'm not "just" good at any one style. Maybe better at some, but capable in all types.

I would like to thank Mikel for this interview, and I wish him continued success :)
For more photos, go to his website or Facebook Page.
Aviva :)

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