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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guest Post: Review of Handbook of Women’s Health: An Evidence-Based Approach

This review was submitted by blogger Eschelle Westwood.

I really enjoyed sitting down to read Handbook of Women's Health: An Evidence-Based Approach by: Jo Ann Rosenfeld. It gives a really interesting insight into many aspects of women’s health over a broad range of ages and over a bunch of very broad topics. Jo Ann Rosenfeld really manages to give a very technical and easy to understand point of view to all of these very general, and sometimes overwhelming, topics.

Jo Ann Rosenfeld did a great job at touching on many aspects of preventative care for all ages of women from teen to the elderly. The author gives great points that anyone can use in their own preventative care, even though this book is based on fact upon fact, it does really get its point across. With all the topics with preventative care that were discussed Jo Ann did a great job at giving you useful information on all of the aspects of the differing care. I was impressed; even though reading was a slight struggle with all those facts being thrown at you, luckily the great informative content keeps you hanging on.

I particularly enjoyed the section “cigarette smoking and cessation,” which resonated with me since I lost my mother to lung cancer. Jo Ann Rosenfeld puts out facts like: “22 million adult women in USA are smokers.” What an intense number then you learn; “Smoking contributes 17% of all women’s deaths and significantly to at least on third of all cancer deaths in the U.S.” With facts such as those echoing throughout this book it makes it all very difficult to just push under a carpet. When the “smoking age is getting younger and younger,” it is hard to swallow sometimes how the smoking culture has taken over.

Since we are on the topic of worrying about our younger generation, Jo Ann Rosenfeld’s book also has a great portion dedicated to “Sexuality,” covering all things to infertility to contraception. Contraception being a topic that should be discussed thoroughly when raising girls; prevention is our friend. Another growing concern with young ladies is something that this book also touches on; eating disorders. Something that is a growing concern in this world of distorted body image ideals and the like.

All in all, this book is filled with some great information, though tedious to read at times the information you gain from reading it is definitely worth it. Covering such a board range of topics is a difficult thing to do and Jo Ann Rosenfeld did a great job delivering the key and important points on all of them.

You can read Eschelle's fitness & health blog HERE, and her Mumfection blog HERE.
You can get your own copy of the book HERE

We hope that you found this review helpful,

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